Student summoned to dean's office after march, warned about missed classes

04/12/2015 - 05:07

Hleb Vaikul, a second year student of the BSU philological department, was given a warning for absenteeism. He was summoned to the meeting of the special commission on the second day after the march of students. His participation in the rally was not brought up by the  department administration, only missed classes. Hleb Vaikul said this to Euroradio:

"The administration asked me about all the missed classes. This oral remark was a warning. Let's see what happens during the exam period."

Hleb admits that he has missed classes during the semester. But they are explained by "family circumstances".

As reported by Euroradio, on December 2, severals dozens of students marched in the center of Minsk (overall the rally united more than 100 people). It was a protest against the introduction of paid exam retakes at the BSU. During the march, police copied the data of the participants, but no one was detained.

Photo: Radio

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