Belarus FM expects EU counterparts in Minsk in November

03/09/2024 - 11:23

Is Lukashenka's regime trying to establish contacts with the West?  /

Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhankou is expecting EU ministers in Minsk in November. They have been invited to an international conference on the fight against illegal migration in the region that Lukashenka's regime plans to hold. Ryzhankou says that representatives of "all interested parties," including neighbors and "other EU and CIS countries," will be invited to the conference. The minister claims that "among the potential participants of the conference, a number of European Union ministers have already confirmed their participation. There is no confirmation of this yet.

It is known that the West blames the regime of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, which is clearly supported by Russia, for the migration crisis on the borders of Belarus with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, which began in 2021. He was the reason for the imposition of sanctions against Belarus and the closure of checkpoints on the borders with the EU countries.

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