Belarus gold and money reserves decrease by 82.7 million in November

07/12/2015 - 15:21


In November 2015, the foreign exchange reserves of Belarus decreased by 82.7 million. According to preliminary data, as of December 1, they amounted to 4 billion 584 million dollars in equivalent. According to the press service of the National Bank, in local curency, the national foreign exchange reserves decreased by 248.3 million dollars - down to 4 billion 911.6 million dollars.

It is noted that the reduction of reserves was affected by a significant reduction in the value of gold in the international market of precious metals, as well as payments of the Government and the National Bank of internal and external foreign currency liabilities in full. The gold reserves were beefed up by the proceeds from the sale of National Bank bonds (denominated in foreign currency), as well as revenues from export duties on oil products.


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