Tell the Truth leaders expect forthcoming changes in Belarus

14/11/2016 - 06:36

The next four years will be decisive for Belarus, co-leader of Tell the Truth Andrei Dzmitryyeu said at the campaign's forum in Minsk on November 12.

"We feel that changes are coming even if they are not really noticeable. They can be noticed in the authorities’ behavior,” he said. “The future of Belarus will be decided in the next few years. Will it become a strong independent state or a third-world country where people do not feel protected?”

Many people are afraid of changes and the organization will be speaking about the existing problems, Dzmitryyeu noted.

"We are getting ready for changes. We are sure that Tell the Truth is the organization that is not afraid of acting in undetermined circumstances. We have demonstrated that everything is possible and it is necessary to go ahead and try to reach your goals,” Dzmitryyeu added.

The campaign convinced the society that changes were necessary thanks to her participation in the presidential election campaign in 2015, co-leader of Tell the Truth Tatstsyana Karatkevich said. “The authorities have admitted the fact that there are alternatives. The main goal is to continue the tendency and to make changes inevitable, she noted. Real economic reforms are impossible without political liberalization, she added.


Tell the Truth must stick to the neutrality and sovereignty trend and to the political competition, Karatkevich believes.


The strategy of Tell the Truth until 2020 will be defined and the format of its participation in local elections will be chosen at the forum. The necessity of the transformation of the organization into a political party will also be discussed there, BelaPAN reports.

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