Self-employed entrepreneurs stage protest in central Minsk

18/01/2016 - 11:55

Self-employed entreprenerus gathered on Monday for an unauthorized action of solidarity. Some 30 people - mostly self-employed vendors and members of the opposition United Civil Party) came to the Red Cathedral near the government headquarters in central Minsk. United Civil Party leader Anatol Lyabedzka was also present at the rally in Independence Square cordoned by the police.

Some of the participants were seen holding "I am a Self-Employed Entrepreneur" posters in their hands.

The police drew reports on every participant of the action charning them with administrative offence. After short speeches, a group of protesters led by Anatol Lyabedzka went to the House of the Government in order to submit 11 proposals on how to resolve the conflict with self-employed entrepreneurs. Their document was received at the House of the Government. Clerks also said the official reply would follow within the next 15 days.

Photo fact: Action participants enter House of Government in Minsk

Effective from January, 1 2016, self-employed entrepreneurs in Belarus must sell goods with the certificates of origin. They will be fined if no certificates are produced. In the light of this, part of self-employed entrepreneurs halted their work as they are unable to produce the certificates of origin on the goods bought at wholesale markets in Russia or elsewhere.

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