Police said three fans arrested not for symbols

13/10/2015 - 18:04

Police commented on the situation with the detention of soccer fans in the "Barysau-Arena" at the match Belarus - Macedonia. Yesterday it was reported about the detention of 3-5 people for wearing scarves with "Pahonya" (pursuit).

Belarusian Football Federation has promised to deal with the situation and make a statement. However, as reported by the portal tut.by, the spokesperson of the Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee Aliaksandr Danilchanka said that the reason for the detention was different. By the way, he mentioned only three detainees.

"During the break, about 22:40, three Belarusian fans began using foul language. They did not respond to repeated remarks and demands of the police officers to stop illegal actions," said Danilchanka. According to him, the fans refused to go into the police room, would not obey the requirements of the police. After that, they were detained and taken to the police department of Barysau. Three people had administrative reports filed on them for "using obscene language in a public place" and "disobeying a lawful order or request of an official in the exercise of official authority."

Fans have already been taken to court.

One of the detainees, Zmitser Khvedaruk, yesterday managed to post his photo. He wrote that "he was arrested at a football game for a scarf with the Pursuit."

Photo: Fotolia, Instagram

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