Opposition action near Minsk KGB (photo)

08/11/2016 - 06:13

An opposition action organized by the right-of-centre coalition and civil activists was held near Minsk KGB headquarters on November 7. Its participants lit candles and brought portraits of the people who had disappeared in 1999-2000 (politicians Yury Zaharanka and Victar Hanchar, journalist Dzmitry Zavadski, businessman Anatol Krasouski and Henadz Karpenka who died in obscure circumstances) and of the Belarusians repressed in the Soviet time.


About 20 people including such people as Anatol Lyabedzka, Pavel Sevyarynets, Vital Rymasheuski, Nina Bahinskaya and Yuras Hubarevich took part in the action. There were even more journalists and policemen. The latter drew up administrative violation reports against the meeting participants. The signature collection campaign for the renaming of streets named in honour of Bolshevists was announced at the action.

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