No permission for opposition rally near KGB HQ on November 7

01/11/2016 - 15:01

The Minsk City Executive Committee has not authorized a memorial action on November 7. The application for the rally was submitted by Movement for Freedom head Yuras Hubarevich, United Civil Party leader Anatol Lyabedzka and Belarusian Christian Democracy chairman Vital Rymasheuski.

The action was planned to commemorate the victims of the Soviet rule. In comments for Euroradio, Anatol Lyabedzka explained that the organizers wanted to protest against the national holiday - the Day of the October Revolution on November 7. In the view of the politician, it is not moral to celebrate this day given the effects of the socialist revolution on people in the former Soviet space.

Minsk city officials mentioned to reasons behind their decision to refuse a permit for the action. Firstly, Lyabedzka and Rymasheuski cannot apply for such actions because they had administrative punishments. The United Civil Party leader told Euroradio he has accumulated 16 pending offences over the past 18 months.

Secondly, the Minsk City Executive Committee reckoned that the organizers published information about the action before obtaining permission for the rally.

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