Lukashenka orders review of territorial defense forces

17/02/2016 - 17:30


Belarus will check the readiness of its territorial defense forces. This order was issued by Aliaksandr Lukashenka, speaking on February 17 in front of the members of the territorial defense meeting.

The President instructed the State Secretariat to prepare to engage the troops of territorial defense in the district, the city and other areas across the region. He added that there are plans for territorial defense, but it is unknown if troops are well-trained to operate in conditions of war, BelTA reports.

Lukashenka:"The governors must first deal with the territorial defense. In peacetime, they are governors-general - that is, the majors-general today. In the time of war they are real majors- general. They will command the territorial defense and address other challenges for both the army and the population."

Lukashenka believes that every governor-general and chairman of the executive committee must be aware of how to act, to have an idea on the size of the territorial defense forces, to be familiar with certain people, and not only among the commanders.

He added that this also applies to chairmen of city and district executive committees.

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