Expert: Average monthly wage may go down to $200 in Belarus in 2016

15/01/2016 - 08:04

The average monthly wage may go down to 200 dollars in Belarus. Head of the Scientific Research Mises Centre in Belarus Yaraslau Ramanchuk has made the forecast.


"The year will be so hard that the worst scenario may look like this: the average wage will go down to 200 dollars due to the foreign currency exchange rates increase, decrease in the oil prices and the fact that some private entrepreneurs will become jobless,” BelaPAN quotes Ramanchuk.


The average wage totalled Br 6 million 656.6 thousand roubles ($366.7) in January-November 2015.

Representatives of the Belarusian business should pronounce their demands, the expert thinks: equal terms for state and private business, the development of financial markets, a dialogue between the authorities and business, decrease in the tax and control load, liquidation of dependence on outdated technologies, expansion of the market relations sphere and reduction of state programmes.  Business should be represented in the state administration to help create an anti-crisis strategy, he believes.

The situation resembles the 1990s, Ramanchuk thinks. The country was at a parting of the ways and was trying to decide what to do back then.

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