BT: Journalists may envy our audio operator’s salary

18/02/2016 - 06:27

The Belarusian state broadcasting company has published a comment on its webite to comment on audio operator Uladzimir Zholudz’ hunger strike.


The man went on hunger strike in protest against the salary he considered to be unfair. In particular, the company had not paid him for the preparation and broadcasting of the national Eurovision selection tour, the man said. He worked for 13 hours a day for the whole week. He did not have lunch breaks and was paid only Br600 thousand for the work. He is going to meet the head of the media holding on February 23.


Zholudz’ monthly wage was over 7 million roubles in 2015 although he worked for only half of the days.


"This employee got the bonus of Br1 million 150 thousand roubles for the Eurovision project. Furthermore, the administration was going to award him for the results of the project afterwards. The company administration agreed to pay Zholudz 1 million roubles as a bonus on February 10, 2016,” the company reported in a press release.

The employee lives in the company’s hall of residence and pays about Br100 thousand a month for it.


"BT journalist and many Minskers renting flats would probably envy our audio operator,” the company commented.

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