Belarus Air Force Su-25 lands on highway at night

19/05/2016 - 09:38

Belarus Air Force pilots yesterday were the first in the post-Soviet space and probably in the world to land a Su-25 assault aircraft on a highway at night, Defense Minister Andrei Raukou told reporters. The landing took place on May 18 on a Minsk-Mahilou highway strip in the Cervien district, reports BELTA.

Training jets Yak-130 and fighter jets MiG-29 landed there at twlight as well. Check photo galleries and video here.

Defense Minster Raukou said that the pilots complegted their training tasks with confidence, while the aircraft peformed well. The newspaper SB. Belarus Today notes that two Belarus Air Force pilots qualified for the unofficial 'night sniper' title.

Euroradio reported earlier Belarus Air Force had a tactical exercise on May 17-19 to practice landings and take offs on a highway strip that may be used as an alternate airfield in emergencies at day and at night.

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