4 people on death row in Belarus

05/10/2016 - 11:25

As of today, there are four people awaiting execution on death row in Belarus. According to Sasha Kulayeva, head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia department at the International Federation for Human Rights, a moratorium on death penalty in Belarus is hindered by 'bad political will' at all levels: from public debates to court verdicts.

"To abolish death penalty, there is no need for a referendum. Capital punishment can be abolished by an edict of the president," says the rights activist.

On October 5, the report "Death Penalty in Belarus: (Il)legitimate Murders"  was presented in Minsk. The event launched the Week Against Death Penalty that will take place on October 5-10.

The week's slogan "Capital Punishment is Not a Solution" aims to raise public awareness about death penalty for the crimes associated with terrorism.

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