11 entrepreneurs to stand trial for rally in Minsk

24/03/2016 - 06:54

11 entrepreneurs who took part in a meeting in Minsk on February 28 will stand trial in Central District Court on March 24.


UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka, civil activists Maksim Vinyarski, Pavel Vinahradau, Leanid Kulakou, Volha Mikalaichyk, Mikalai Kolas, Pavel Syarhei, Alyaksandr Abramovich, Vaukavysk entrepreneur Mikalai Autuhovich, co-leaders of the Belarusian Christian democracy Pavel Sevyarynets and Vital Rymasheuski have been summoned to court, the human rights website Viasna reports. They are accused of taking part in an unauthorized mass action. The hearing will start at 10 a.m.

A report was also drawn up again Baranavichy entrepreneur Ryhor Hruk but his hearing has been postponed until March 31. The judge wants to listen to the witnesses from the police who made the report. The activist has pleaded not guilty.

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