Russian deputy Minister of Finance explains if Belarus may get Russian loan

27/01/2016 - 09:01

If Moscow gives more credits, it may cause problems with the previous committed loans, Russian deputy Minister of Finance said at the conference BelaRussian Dialogue in Moscow.

Russia has allocated a number of credits for the construction of NPPs in a number of states, he reminded. The credits have reached dozens of billions of dollars. The construction has already begun in Belarus and the country is receiving a billion of dollars or more every year, the official noted. If the number of such projects increases, the credit expenses will total several billion dollars.

Storchak: "We have been spending 2-2.5 billion dollars a year for credits recently. Getting to a new level of such credit operations may result in additional risks.”

This is his personal opinion that may not reflect the position of the government and the Ministry of Economy, the deputy Minister stressed.

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