Record number of companies with Belarusian capital in Poland

01/02/2023 - 03:21
With the borders closed to carriers, Belarusians more often registered transport companies in Poland / @gpkgovby

In 2022, Belarusians opened 1,745 new companies in Poland, twice as much as in 2021, reports Office Life citing the Polish Center for Economic Information stressing this is a historical record. In 2021, 886 companies with Belarusian capital were registered in Poland against a little over 450 in 2020.

According to the Polish Center for Economic Information, on January 10, 2023, 4,980 enterprises of Belarusian companies and citizens of Belarus were operating in the country. The increase in 2022 was 35%. Currently, Belarus is preceded only by Ukraine (25,289) and Germany (9,570).

The transport sector has proved to be the most attractive for Belarusian entrepreneurs. Due to the closure of the borders for carriers, the number of Poland-based companies with Belarusian capital has almost doubled. Quite often, Belarusians also open construction companies and start IT businesses in Poland.

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