Poland's Anna Maria Anders visits Kurapaty memorial

10/04/2016 - 09:28

Anna Maria Anders, authorized by the Office of the Chairman at Poland's Council of Ministers to carry out internatonal dialogue with the neighboring countries, on April 9 arrived with an unofficial visit to Minsk.

BelaPAN reports on Saturday evening she visited Kurapaty, the site of mass graves of the victims of Stalin's repressions, where she laid flowers and lit candles near the memorial crosses.

The purpose of the visit is to establish contacts with Belarusian specalists working in the field of history and intensify the Belarusian-Polish history dialogue. Anna Maria Anders will also meet representatives from Belarus State University and the Institute of History at Belarusian Academy of Sciences. She is also scheduled to meet with Viktar Shadurski, Doctor of History and Dean of International Relations Department at Belarus State University, and Uladzimr Adamushka, Director of Archives Department at Ministry of Justice.

Anna Mara Anders told reporters no meetings with Belarusan officials are planned.  

From Belarus, she will head to Katyn and Smolensk in Russia, where memorial services will be held to commemorate the Polish Army officers executed by Stalin's security service NKVD in the Katyn woods in 1940, and the victims of the 2010 air crash near Smolensk when 96 people, including Poland's president Lech Kaczynski died.

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