Police oust observer from Minsk's Sovietski District polling station #11

11/10/2015 - 11:17

Observer Valeria Charnamortsava has been ousted from Minsk Soviet District polling station #11. Official observers complained about the actions of the BCD steering committee members and it was the reason to ask her to leave.

Charnamortsava: "They accused me of approaching the bulletin tables but I had only done it to lodge complaints. They said that I had been trying to argue with the head of the committee and approached the ballot box... I did not approach the ballot box, I only stood up to see it better when they were sealing it.”


Charnamortsava was not present at the meeting where she was deprived of accreditation. The observer decided that it was a law violation and refused to leave the polling station. That is why she was ousted with the help of the police.


Valeria Charnamortsava  is going to complain to the district election committee now.

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