Pensioner Nina Bahinskaya fined Br1050 over KGB picket

11/04/2017 - 11:03

Pensioner Nina Bahinskaya has been fined Br1050 (about $555) for staging an unauthorized picket in front of the KGB headquarters in Minsk on March 24. The well-known activist was holding a poster with the names of the arrested people in the riot case and the inscription ‘Release political prisoners’, Euroradio reported. Two riot policemen detained Nina Bahinskaya 30 minutes later. However, she was released soon afterwards and attended the protest action on Freedom Day.

Minsk's Central District Court judge Victoria Shabunya has fined Bahinskaya, Radio Liberty reports.

Nina Bahinskaya regularly organizers solo pickets near KGB, demanding “Freedom for the people”.

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