Opposition activists to stand trial for authorized Freedom Day meeting

08/04/2016 - 11:26

The police have drawn up administrative protocols against BPF Party leader Alyaksei Yanukevich, co-leader of the steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Vital Rymasheuski and co-leader of the republican association Perspectiva Anatol Shumchanka for participation in the meeting near the cinema house Kastrychnik on March 25 (freedom Day), BelaPAN reports.


All of them have been accused of participation in an unauthorized action. It is worth noting that the action participants were officially allowed to gather near the cinema house Kastrychnik.


Yanukevich was shown the report in Soviet District Department of the Interior although it had been drawn up in Pershamaiski District Department of the Interior. “The document says that I took part in an unauthorized meeting near the cinema house Katsrychnik and shouted out mottoes thus violating the Belarusian legislation,” the opposition politician said.


Rymasheuski studied the report in Minsk Soviet District Department of the interior. The charges are groundless, he thinks. It was officially allowed to gather in that spot, he stressed. “Officials made it clear that the organizers could talk to people,” he added.


Shumchanka refused to go to the police to the report. It will be sent to him by post and the case will be sent to court.


Reports for participation in the Freedom Day action have also been drawn up against Mikalai Statkevich, Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu, Anatol Lyabedzka and Pavel Sevyarynets. However, they started the action in Yanka Kupala public garden and walked to the cinema house Kastrychnik along Independence Avenue which was not allowed by Minsk authorities.

Here is Euroradio’s Freedom Day photo report:


Freedom Day rally in Minsk

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