Metropolitan Paul seeks to demolish historical buildings in central Minsk

11/04/2016 - 16:23

Three historical heritage buildings in central Minsk are under threat of demolition, according to the request from Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus Metropolitan Paul to Belarusian Vice Premier Natallia Kachanava.

The Metropolitan's letter was published by Anton Astapovich, head of Society to Protect Historical and Cultural Heritage Sites, in his Facebook account.

The buildings in question are houses No 6, 6a and 8 located within the perimeter of the historical heritage site. Metropolitan argues in his letter that the two houses have not been used for over 25 years. One of the buildings is in critical condition, the second is nothing but ruins. In 1998, specialists inspected the building and concluded that restoration works were not feasible, according to Metropolitan.

Metropolitan Paul proposes to demolish the buldings and construct a brick church along wth the Spiritual and Administrative Center of Belarusian Exarchate.

The head of Belarusian Orthodox Church asks the government to cross out the afore mentioned buldings from the list of historical heritage "because they have no historical signficance or cultural and architectural value." 

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