Makey and Mogherini discuss prospects of relations between Belarus and EU

29/09/2015 - 09:20

Foreign Minister of Belarus Uladzimir Makey met in New York with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. According to the press service of Belarus Foreign Ministry, they spoke about the current state and prospects of relations between Belarus and the European Union. No further details have been dislosed so far.

The foreign minister of our country is in the United States as part of the Belarusian delegation which is headed by Aliaksandr Lukashenka and is taking part in the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development.

On September 27, President Aliaksandr Lukashenka addressed the plenary session of the UN Summit on Sustainable Development. The Belarusian leader spoke after the President of Romania, and his performance lasted about 15 minutes. From the rostrum of the United Nations Lukashenka urged to stop the war in Ukraine.

Euroradio noticed that there were not many people in the room during the speech. We compared the number of people in the room during the speeches of Lukashenka, Poroshenko, Obama and Shakira.

Lukashenka also met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. They talked about the political situation and the human rights situation in Belarus. They also touched upon the situation in Ukraine. Ban Ki-moon thanked Lukashenka for "a constructive role" in finding a solution to the conflict.

At a meeting with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein they also discussed human rights. Lukashenka assured him that Belarus fulfills them, but opposes "politicization".

Lukashenka: "I want to assure you that we are and we will be committed to real human rights. I want to tell you honestly that we will never allow to impose the so-called "human rights" and politicize them. This is absolutely unacceptable."

The Belarusian leader pointed out that our country is cooperating with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and there are "virtually no problems."

On September 27, a protest was held in New York, in front of the United Nations. Participanting there were Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, Tatars, immigrants from Latin America and Asia. Among the protesters was also a well-known Belarusian political emigrant Zyanon Pazniak.


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