Lukashenka fires energy minister over corruption

03/05/2018 - 20:18
Former Energy Minister Uladzimir Patupchyk. Photo:Belta

It has been finally known why Aliaksandr Lukashenka fired Energy Minister Uladzimir Patupchyk. KGB chairman Valery Patupchyk said on a Belarus 1 TV show that the former minister ran protection for his family involved in an illegal business operation.

"Quite recently, the head of state tasked ny agency to check information about the minister and the members of his family," Vakulchyk said. KGB carried out work and found out that Patupchyk patronized a somewhat family business, which was about supplying overpriced construction materials to state-funded construction projects. Naturally, this led to illegal enrichment and profits for the family."

The KGB chief stressed that Lukashenka decided to fire Uladzimir Patupchyk upon hearing out his report. Patupchyk, 59 served as Energy Minister for slightly over five years.

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