Lukashenka appoints new officials

03/03/2016 - 20:18

On March 3, Alyaksandr Lukashenka made a number of personnel appointments. In particular, he appointed Hanna Rabava Deputy Minister for Communication and Information, Andrei Shastakou - Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alyaksei Auramenka - First Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications, Alyaksei Lyakhnovich - Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications, Ihar Shylau - First Deputy Head of the Belarusian Railways.

Also Andrei Zyanevich was appointed rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Ihar Voitau - rector of the Belarusian State Technological University.

There was also assigned a number of chairmen of district executive committees and district administrations in Minsk and Brest etc.

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