Chervenski market entrepreneurs want to stop working after January 1

26/11/2015 - 06:02

Entrepreneurs from Minsk Chervenski marker are going to stop working after January 1, 2016. They will have to do it because of the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Entrepreneurs gathered together and discussed the problem on November 25, BelaPAN reports.

Most entrepreneurs informed the market administration that they would stop renting places in 2016. Over 70 people have done it, member of the council of the market entrepreneurs and activist of Perspektiva Vasil Baranouski said.


Most entrepreneurs buy goods in Moscow and nobody gives official documents there, he said. “Even if they do give such documents, it means that a check-up has to be conducted in Russia. Sellers usually refuse from their own documents in this case because they do not have the right to sell retail goods abroad,” Baranouski claimed.

According to Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s order, entrepreneurs cannot sell goods brought from the Customs Union member states without certificates. The decree will come into force on January 1, 2016.


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