“We do not remember”: Hempen Dzyady in Minsk

04/11/2019 - 08:18
“Hempen Dzyady” in Minsk / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio

“Hempen Dzyady” was held in Minsk on November 2. The comic action was dedicated to ‘all those killed by cannabis’. People were holding empty portraits decorated with black ribbons and posters with the inscriptions: “We do not remember”, “Grandfathers smoked weed and were fine”, “We do not mourn”, etc. The action started near Kastrychnitskaya Street and ended in United Nations Square.   

The action “Hempen Dzyady” was held in support of changes to article 328 of the Criminal Code. It was organized by the civil movement “Legalize Belarus” and the association of candidates “Youth Bloc”. 6 parliamentary candidates joined the manifestation and supported the necessity of a legislative reform.

“80% of the Belarusian drug market is cannabis. This action is aimed at reporting the absurdity and inefficiency of the existing anti-drug policy in Belarus. We would like the new Parliament to adopt the legislative reforms prepared by “Youth Bloc,” parliamentary candidate Stas Shashok (“Legalize Belarus”) explained.

“I do not like the fact that people are getting imprisoned for cannabis in Belarus although it is much safer than alcohol that is available everywhere. I believe that the punishment for preserving this substance is incommensurable with damage it does to the society,” programmer and parliamentary candidate in Kalinouskaya constituency #108 Alyaksei Lazarau said (he would also like to abolish “the law on draft deferment”).

“Not a single case of cannabis overdose has bene registered so far since it is practically impossible. However, young Belarusians consuming it are getting punished the same way as murderers do. How can it be normal?” parliamentary candidate Danila Lauretski reasoned.

Euroradio’s video and photo report made at the action.

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