Uladzimir Navasyad to run for MP for third time

21/06/2016 - 08:06

Uladzimir Navasyad, head of unregistered Party of Freedom and Progress, will run for MP for the third time.  He used to be a member of the Supreme Council of the 13th convocation and of the House of Representatives of the 2nd convocation but he represented the United Civil Party at that time.


He has already chosen his constituency – Minsk Svislach constituency #94, Navasyad told Radio Liberty. He ran for MP there in 2008 but lost to Kupala Theatre actor Henadz Davydzka (current head of BT). Navasyad ran for MP four years later and lost to Minsk car park director Leanid Mazheika.

Uladzimir Navasayd will have to collect signatures because his party has not been registered despite four attempts to do it.

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