World of Tanks creators provide Ukrainian medics with reanimobiles

27/05/2024 - 14:15

Reanimobiles for Ukraine / /

Ukrainian medics received Reanimobiles from the developers of the World of Tanks game. Last year, Wargaming United's charity project raised more than a million dollars for the cause. Residents of 115 countries around the world participated in the collection.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhaylo Fedorov, the medics received "thirteen reanimobiles from the creators of the legendary game World of Tanks". They were sent to the regions of Vinnitsa, Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy and Kherson. And they will save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians.

Wargaming left Belarus and Russia in March 2022. The business in these countries was transferred to the local management of Lesta Studio, which is no longer associated with Wargaming. The company stated that it does not make profits in Belarus and Russia.

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