Two Belarusians to face trial in Poland

23/06/2023 - 17:14
Two Belarusians to be tried for espionage in Poland /

The criminal investigation of two Belarusians suspected of espionage has been completed in Poznan, Poland. The indictment was sent to the district court, the press service of the prosecutor's office reported.

"On the basis of materials collected by the Military Counterintelligence Service and materials gathered during the prosecutor's investigation, it was established that they participated in the activities of the Belarusian military intelligence on the basis of employment in Poland. The men sought and collected information about the Polish armed forces and infrastructure, which is crucial for the protection of the country," the prosecutor's office said.

As was reported earlier, the Belarusians were arrested in April 2022. Since then they have been in custody.

The men came to Poland to work as drivers. According to the prosecutor's office, they were mainly interested in military units and civilian facilities in western Poland.

The defendants face up to 10 years in prison.

Incidentally, this year Poland also announced the arrest of several Belarusians and Ukrainians on suspicion of espionage and preparation of sabotage.

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