Syarhei Haidukevich becomes senator

14/09/2016 - 08:01

Leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party Syarhei Haidukevich has been elected member of the Council of the Republic in Minsk Province. The election was held at a meeting of deputies of Minsk Province in Maladzechna on September 13.


He spoke to deputies without any notes and talked about himself, Haidukevich told Euroradio. Most of the present were from Belaya Rus and the Communist party, he said.

Haidukevich: “I described my biography and political views.  There were members of the Communist Party and Belay Rus present.  The number of my ideological adherents was very small...” 

Euroradio asked the newly-elected senator about his goals. There are a lot of plans but he needs to stop and look around first, Haidukevich replied.

Гайдукевіч: "Расказаў сваю біяграфію, расказаў пра сваё палітычнае бачанне. У зале сядзелі і з Камуністычнай партыі, і з "Белай Русі". Маіх ідэалагічных прыхільнікаў было не так багата..."

Еўрарадыё пацікавілася, якіх мэтаў хоча дасягнуць новаабраны сенатар. На гэта Гайдукевіч заявіў, што мае шмат планаў, але спярша яму трэба спыніцца і агледзецца.

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