Shunevich comments on recent searches in Ukrainian combatants' homes

06/04/2016 - 13:55

In an interview to the Euroradio, Minister of Internal Affairs Ihar Shunevich commented on the searches conducted at the houses of the relatives of Belarusians fighting in Ukraine. Until now, there was information about the searches in the families of the Belarusins fighting on the side of Kyiv. Were the relatives of Belarusins fighting on the side of the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR affected by it?

Shunevich: "All the people taking part in the fighting on the territory of Ukraine that we know about will all be "processed" in terms of the current criminal legislation -- no matter on which side they fight."

According to Shunevich, MIA conducts searches based on the investigator's instruction, inspecting the homes of such persons in Belarus. Investigative activities are carried out "in turn" at all combatants' places.

Shunevich said that it was previously known about 130 Belarusians, who fought in Ukraine (mostly residents of our regions). They are mostly men from LPR and DPR in the ratio of 3 to 1, said Ihar Shunevich.

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