Ryhor Kastusyou: There would be no Belarusian President without Freedom Day

28/03/2016 - 07:08

Deputy head of the BPF Party Ryhor Kastusyou has taken part in the programme Editors’ Club on Belarus 1 for the first time. He discussed the recent terrorist acts in Belgium, the refugees problem (BPF made a special statement not long ago), the foreign council of oppositionists and the Freedom Day (the independence of the BPR was announced in Minsk on March 25, 1918).


Kastusyou: “It is essential that you [Henadz Davydzka, the programme presenter] and Alyaksandr Lukashenka understood that there would be no Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka without March 25.”

The BPR is one of the stages of the Belarusian statehood creation, the deputy BPF leader agreed with editor-in-chief of SB. Belarus Today Pavel Yakubovich. March 25 should be the day of consolidation for the Belarusian society and this holiday ‘needs to be respected’, Yakubovich thinks. Ryhor Kastusyou would like it to be a state holiday (like January 1, 1919 – the day when Soviet Belarus was created in Smolensk).

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