Robbie Williams dedicates song to 4-year-old Belarusian girl

25/10/2023 - 13:45

Robbie Williams / AFP / AFP

Robbie Williams dedicated a song to a 4-year-old Belarusian girl at a concert in Abu Dhabi.

The musician struck up a conversation with Belarusian Lyuba between songs. He asked her if she had a daughter and how old she was. It turned out that Lyuba's daughter was named Eva. Robbie then turned to the man videotaping the conversation and told Eva that he was dedicating the next song to her.

"Hey, Eva. This is Uncle Robbie," the musician said as the audience in the room laughed. - I'm on stage in Abu Dhabi, I'm here with your mom ... I don't mean we're together... At least I think so. Okay, in thirty years you'll laugh about this.

This video was destined to be a hit. If you want a dose of good vibes, check out the conversation here.

Robbie Williams is an English singer and songwriter. Elton John has called him "the Frank Sinatra of the 21st century" for his distinctive vocal timbre and performance style.

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