Belarus to analyze consequences of future laws before law-making

31/01/2019 - 08:35

The presumable consequences of future laws and regulations will start being analyzed in Belarus, according to 25 January 2019 Council of Ministers' Resolution No 54. The innovation will come into force on 1 February.

The forecast of consequences of the adoption of new laws and regulations is required in order to understand whether its goals are achievable to analyze ‘all the variants of the development of social relations’ (including the cases when a law is not adopted). Specialists will study the financial and economic consequences of new regulations including the affect they may produce on physical and legal entities’ income and expenses. They will also pay attention to social and ecological consequences. Ungrounded expenses that legal entities and private entrepreneurs may suffer will also be assessed.

Forecasts will be made when laws and regulations are still being drafted. The document does not specify whether the innovation will affect rhe edicts issued by the president.


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