Pieces of 400-year-old bridge discovered in a Braslau District lake

13/08/2019 - 11:08

Pieces of a 400-year-old bridge have been discovered in Lake Nespish in Braslau District. A monastery was built on the lake island in the 15th century (this is why the island is called Manastyr). The bridge used to connect it with ‘the mainland’. However, nobody knew where it was situated. Belarusian divers are lucky -  they have found 24 poles of the former bridge. The size of the bridge can be guessed now -  it was about 100 meters long and 2 meters wide. The poles were 5 or 6 meters long. The diameter of some of them reaches 30 cm. The wood is in good condition. The bridge is about 400 years old, the divers report on Facebook.

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