Parents of children under 10 to be excluded from 'parasites'

04/01/2016 - 13:56

Aliaksandr Lukashenka's Decree #3 (also known as the "decree on parasites") is expected to get changed and additions, the Minister of Taxes and Duties Siahei Nalivaika told news agency BelTA.

Some of the decree provisions will be amended for their unequivocal understanding. Besides, now parents raising children under the age of 10 (formerly under 7) or older, until they finish primary school, will not be considered parasites. In addition, the local councils could get the right to exempt citizens from the payment of the appropriate fee in connection with the difficult financial status.

Nalivaika also noted that in Russia there ware companies offering money for a certificate stating that the person was on the territory of Russia and paid taxes there. The Minister said that all such certificates will be checked via the Federal Tax Service of Russia.


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