No list of persons pardoned by Lukashenka available

25/02/2016 - 15:09

The Supreme Court does not have the list of those pardoned by the head of state. This was announced by First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court Valery Kalinkovich in Minsk during the press conference on 25 February.

Reporters asked about the list of officials convicted of corruption and pardoned by Aliaksandr Lukashenka. Kalinkovich noted that the President has the right to pardon under the law. Every convicted person may submit a petition for clemency. "I have not seen the list of the pardoned," said the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court.

As was previously reported, the presidential administration staff refused to provide journalists with the list of pardoned officials. According to employees of the Administration, these data constitute official secrets.

Today, we know about five former officials and executives convicted for corruption crimes, but released early and given executive positions. This is former Deputy Prosecutor General Aliaksandr Arkhipau, the ex-chairman of the Chashniki district executive committee Uladzimir Bulay, former deputy chairman of the Baranavichy city executive committee Ihar Stasevich, former general director of JSC "Mogilevdrev" Andrei Vusau, the ex-deputy chairman of the concern "Belneftekhim" Uladzimir Volkau.

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