Nearly 1,600 Belarusians arrested last year for supporting Ukraine

24/02/2023 - 12:14
Nearly 1,600 Belarusians prosecuted for supporting Ukraine /

In 2022, at least 1,575 Belarusians were arrested for expressing an anti-war stance. Aa many as 56 of them were sentenced to 1 to 23 years in criminal cases, according to human rights activists of the "Viasna" HRC.

Today there are 12 people convicted of railroad sabotage in Belarus. Their total sentence amounts to 191.5 years. At least 31 people were sentenced for sending pictures of Russian military equipment to the media. Eleven people were detained for wanting to fight on the side of Ukraine (eight of them have already been convicted). At least 20 people were prosecuted for publicly condemning Russian aggression and supporting Ukraine.

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