More than 17,000 workers laid off by 30 major companies within a year

25/09/2015 - 02:13

The Ministry of Finance has published on its website a report for the II quarter of this year on the activities of public companies. Based on it, 30 major employers fired more than 17 thousand employees.

Majority of those let off worked at MAZ - 2,300 people, at MTZ - 1,756, at BelAZ - 1,195, at Homselmash - 1,073.

Significant reductions also occurred at the largest companies of the potash, petrochemical and construction industries. Thus, Belaruskali laid off 1,187 people in one year, Naftan - 1,141, Belshina - 1,434, MAPID - 847.

As experts explain, enterprises are forced to cut staff due to the unfavorable situation on foreign markets.

"Previously, with more or less good conditions in foreign markets, when sales were more or less secure, enterprise could keep extra workforce, but now the situation has deteriorated so much that businesses can no longer pull the ballast, therefore they began clearing it," chairman of the Belarusian Scientific and Industrial Association Aliaksandr Shvets told BelaPAN.


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