Minsk opposition conducts action of solidarity with businessmen in Zhodzina

16/01/2016 - 10:05

Leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Lyabedzka, senior deputy of the movement For Freedom Yury Hubarevich and co-chairperson of the committee for the creation of the Belarusian Christian democracy party Vital Rymasheuski conducted an action of solidarity with private entrepreneurs in Zhodzina. They came to the city centre with the poster ‘I am an entrepreneur’ and gave out leaflets explaining the conflict between private entrepreneurs and the authorities, BelaPAN reports.

The action took about 15 or 20 minutes. They did not announce it in advance and there were no ‘security officials’ present, Lyabedzka said.

The oppositionists visited the local market where only three tents were open and talked to the administration. Lyabedzka, Hubarevich and Rymasheuski met with local activists and visited the local Executive Committee but the head and his deputies were absent.  They registered the suggestion to organize a round-table discussion on corruption in the region.

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