Minsk house-building plant workers hold spontaneous strike

17/02/2016 - 16:56

On the morning of February 17, about a hundred workers of the Minsk house-building plant stopped working. Their spontaneous strike lasted about 40 minutes, reports onliner.by. The strike was attended by employees of the reinforcement, molding and finishing departments.

The workers demanded that the management of the enterprise increased their salaries and paid the bonuses. Only after meeting with the boss, they returned to their working places.

One of the factory workers said that last year he did not get less than 7 million rubles, and this year - about 3 million. The company bonuses have not been paid since September. The workers received tham only before the New Year, and not in full, said the man.

Chairman of the trade union Joseph Milasheuski told onliner.by that the decrease in salaries is due to falling volumes of work.

The initiative group of workers wrote a letter to the trade union committee and the enterprise director. The document was signed by about 120 people.

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