IAEA Director General: Astravets NPP project a big success

19/04/2016 - 16:11

Eighth forum "Atomexpo - Belarus" opened in Minsk on Tuesday, April 19. The list of speakers at the opening ceremony included Vice-Premier of Belarus Uladzimir Syamashka, deputy director general of Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom Alexander Lokshin and IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano.

During his speech, Yukiya Amano expressed gratitude to Belarus for the opportunity to attend the forum and called the Astravets NPP project one of the most successful in the world:

"At this point we can say that the construction of the two-unit NPP in Astravets is one of the most successful projects in the countries that are stepping on the path of nuclear energy development," said Yukiya Amano.

According to the director general of the IAEA, there are currently 444 units of nuclear power plants operating in 30 world countries. Sixty four reactors are under construction (2 of them - at the Astravets NPP), 30 countries intend to develop nuclear energy.

"Atomexpo - Belarus 2016" will last till April 20 in the exhibition center "Belexpo" in Kupala Street.

Uladzimir Syamashka and Yukiya Amano.

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