How Belarus security forces try to keep political prisoners in jail indefinitely

27/05/2024 - 17:41

Repression with no end in sight / @rubanau_collage / @rubanau_collage

Political prisoner Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk served her full sentence, but never left prison on May 21. The woman was transferred to the Homiel pre-trial detention center, where later she was charged for the third time with insubordination to the colony administration, and thus, her prison sentence was renewed.

The regime has carried out such a “trick” more than once, giving more and more terms of imprisonment to Belarusians disloyal to the authorities. Euroradio recalls such cases.

Zmitser Dashkevich

The Young Front activist, who is well known as an active defender of the Kurapaty, was sentenced in the summer of 2022 for participating in a protest on August 23, 2020 to a year and a half in prison. And his wife Nasta for the same case - three years of home imprisonment.

In the middle of last summer, Dashkevich was supposed to be released, but it did not happen. In July 2023, a new criminal case was opened against the activist for “malicious disobedience to the requirements of the administration of a correctional institution,” the Barysau District Court sentenced him to another year in a high-security colony.

Now Zmitser is in correctional colony No. 14 in the Barysau region.

Vasil Dzemidovich

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