Historical mural under restoration in Hrodna

16/10/2023 - 20:27

Restoration work / @vid_grodno / @vid_grodno

In Hrodna, work has begun to restore the historical mural, which was damaged about a week ago by a heavy downpour. Then, a part of the image "slid" to the ground.

A fragment of the mural has already been reattached to the wall. It looks paler than the remaining picture. It is possible that artists will work further on this part of the mural.

The historical mural was unveiled in Hrodna about a month ago - on the Day of the City. It was reported that the huge graffiti is one of the largest in the country. Its size is more than 400 square meters. It contained hunting scenes, facts from the history of the city and the main sights of Hrodna. The initiator of this art object was Anatol Hryshuk, the owner of the Gallery of Cold Weapons. The mural is placed on the wall of the gallery. 

Rain-damaged mural painting / newgrodno.by

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