Hayeuski: There are no dangerous dairy products in Belarusian market!

04/12/2015 - 07:06

There are no dangerous dairy products in the Belarusian market, deputy Minister of Health and chief sanitary physician Ihar Hayeuski said when commenting to reporters on the dangerous Belarusian dairy foodstuff reportedly revealed by Russians.

Hayeuski: “It suddenly turned out that the products had not even been made in Belarus! The wrapping is different. I am not going to comment on it now... But I know that there are no dangerous products in our market... Our control is thrice stricter. All products correspond to the existing norms.”

The Russian Agricultural Inspectorate has restricted the supplies from 5 Belarusian dairy factories, Belarus ‘has not taken the necessary measures to stop the supplies of dangerous products to Russia’, the inspectorate notes. Russian inspectors visited the factories and revealed violations in October.

The Russian Agricultural Inspectorate will introduce a special sanitary regime for products transported from Belarus on December 7.


Photo: Zmitser Lukashuk, Euroradio


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