Film about Belarusian journalists wins Freedom Film Festival prize

15/07/2023 - 18:13
Mara Tamkovich won the main prize of the Freedom Film Festival /

The movie "Na żywo" ("Live") by Mara Tamkovich won the main prize of the Freedom Film Festival. The film is based on the story of journalists Katsyaryna Andreyeva and Daria Chultsova, who were imprisoned for their work.

The film festival was held in the Polish Radom. Director Mara Tamkovich wrote about the main prize on her Facebook page.

Earlier, the film received a special prize at the Polish feature film festival in Gdynia, and was also recognized as the best at the Polish-Czech competition ZOOM-ZBLIŻENIA.

As reported by Euroradio, Mara Tamkovich recently finished work on a new film - "The Land Under the Gray Sky". The film is also dedicated to the theme of political prisoners.

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