Even Musk doesn't have one: police found a distillery on wheels in Belarus

02/05/2023 - 00:33
Belarusian moonshiner / t.me/pressmvd

Police and environmental inspectors in the Svislach district arrested two local residents in the woods. They were making moonshine in unusual conditions.

"The 29- and 37-year-old hobbyists had cut off the roof of an old Soviet minivan, installed a moonshine machine in the vehicle, and then put the roof back on. For reasons of secrecy, the mobile unit drove through Belavezha Forest, stopping at various places to make alcohol. It was accompanied by two cars: with a boiler in one and flour in the other," wrote the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The police seized 60 liters of finished moonshine from the men. More than 6 tons of distillery equipment was also destroyed.

The process of making moonshine in the car / t.me/pressmvd/7795

"An investigation will be carried out, all circumstances and possible accomplices of the bootleggers will be established," concluded the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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