Entrepreneurs hold rally in Minsk - photo report

15/02/2016 - 14:27

An unauthorized rally in support of individual entrepreneurs was held in the October Square on February 15 in Minsk. It gathered from 350 to 500 people.

There was a lot of entrepreneurs from the regions, as well as opposition politicians Mikola Statkevich, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, Pavel Sevyarynets and Anatoly Lyabedzka.

There were also many policemen in uniform and plain clothes, paddy wagons were parked nearby. But no one was detained. According to the participants of the meeting, it happened due to the fact that the EU was supposed to lift sanctions against Belarusian officials. The sanctions were indeed lifted.

One of the leaders of entrepreneurs' movement, Alyaksandr Makayeu, told Euroradio that they adopted an appeal to the authorities with the requirements and are planning to gather at the Square every Monday, "until they are heard."

SPs demanded abolition of the presidential decrees #222 on certificates and decree #48 on measures of state control over observance of technical regulations.

As is known, the association "Perspective" refused today to hold a street rally and withdrew its application, which had been filed with the Minsk City Executive Committee.

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