Entrepreneurs demand to cancel decrees #222 and #666

29/09/2015 - 08:10

Belarusian entrepreneurs organized a forum at the hotel Belarus on September 28. They discussed decrees #222 and #666 that demand certificates for all goods and a sanitary check-up of imported goods. Not all suppliers have certificates for their goods and sanitary check-ups are time-consuming.

Businessmen also asked to stop changing the rent according to the euro exchange rate.

A Minsk entrepreneur said that the prices had changed in the 11 days.


“I returned home 11 days later and saw sugar for 20 600 and the dollar for 18 000! And they keep telling us on TV that we should stop using dollars! Let them set the rent in roubles then,” the woman announced.


A resolution was adopted after the meeting. The entrepreneurs are not asking Lukashenka to come to them anymore. They have urged to cancel decrees #222 and #666, stop changing the rent following the euro exchange rate, change the order of making payments to the Social Protection Fund and stop confiscating goods all over the country.

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