CEC head agrees with opposition over nomination of candidates

07/02/2017 - 09:53

A decision to organize a referendum during the local elections in 2018 is yet to be taken, Central Election Commission chairwoman Lidziya Yarmoshyna told Euroradio. She also said she had several proposals on what questions could be put on the ballot - for example, to abolish the provision, which bans persons in custody from voting during elections.

Yarmoshyna: “I also reckon we need to cross out the provision that allows voters to recall their deputy. Firstly, this provision does not work and will never work. Secondly, it does not allow us to replace the electoral system with the other than the majoriен-vote system. Moreover, I agree with the opposition: we need to cross out from the Constitution the right of working collectives to nominate candidates."

The referendum as proposed by the Liberal Democratic Party should include the following questions: to increase the term of MPs up to five years and the term of the president's office up to seven years. According to Yarmoshyna, she agrees with this proposal - at least to increase the term of MPs in the parliament. However, the CEC head reckons that the rural council of deputies are an anachronism which should be abolished. She proposes to elect the heads of local administration instead of deputies of the local councils during the local elections.

“It will be a true self-rule without "decorative bodies," says the CEC chairwoman and promises to officially put forward this proposal soon.

According to Yarmoshyna, a referendum during the local elections would raise the interest of voters and, correspondingly, potential candidates, to the polls.

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